Like any company, the AVP beach volleyball tour wants to market its best face. It just so happens that face is actually an ass (See the New York Times article here). With all the ridiculously toned bodies on the beach, the AVP has launched a print, online and outdoor ad campaig

The behind above is that of AVP player Tyra Turner (pictured). It is kind of funny though that with all the hot bodies the sport does have that in another ad (which you can see here) a "stunt butt" had to be used.
That's right - they brought in a model to use. Why didn't they just use Misty May-Treanor's stupendous buttocks? The ad campaign does reportedly use Kerri Walsh (not sure which body part), who has partnered with Misty May-Treanor, who is recovering from a serious injury
Interestingly enough, the person who oversees the AVP's marketing is Kristine Lefebvre. You might remember her from her sting on the Apprentice. Or maybe you recall she was a Playboy covergirl?
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